Reports: Tiger Woods is an idiot womanizer, Rachel Uchitel is a liar

California v Stanford

There’s so much reporting and gossip about the whole Tiger Woods situation, it merits yet another post. To catch up: the Enquirer reported Tiger had an affair with Rachel Uchitel, a New York events planner/party girl/professional starf-cker. Then Tiger’s wife Elin challenged Tiger to a duel on Thanksgiving or something, they had a huge fight (new detail: allegedly, Tiger yelled “You’ve ruined our Thanksgiving! Are you happy now?”), Tiger got into a car crash, and now he’s holed up in his house, refusing to talk to the police and only releasing cryptic, apologetic messages to the ravenous press.

Meanwhile, there’s a slew of new and interesting information about this “other woman” Rachel Uchitel. I mentioned in today’s earlier post that Rachel hired lawyer Gloria Allred over the weekend. Allred is a celebrity attorney – and she knows how to use the media to manage her clients. Allred told the AP (via Us Weekly) that Uchitel is now in Los Angeles, and that they “plan to meet and then we’ll decide on the next step, which we do not plan to announce to the press.” Uchitel, meanwhile, told E! News that “I did not have any involvement with him [Woods]. Whatever was written in the Enquirer was not said by me, it was said by two people that claimed they were friends of mine but they’re not. I am overwhelmed, so I hired [celebrity attorney] Gloria Allred to handle the situation. I don’t want to get this much attention and I wish everybody would leave me alone.”

Oh, yes. Uchitel is still denying that she is friends with the two named sources of the Enquirer’s original report. Unfortunately, the Enquirer does this sh-t all the time, so they called Uchitel out in a new online report, in which they posted photos of Uchitel and Ashley Samson (photos here), one of the named sources who “confirmed” Uchitel’s affair with Tiger. Here’s more:

Tiger Woods’ shocking car crash has put the world’s spotlight on Rachel Uchitel — the New York City party girl who has been caught up in a cheating scandal with the multimillionaire golf superstar. The ENQUIRER’s blockbuster cover story was verified with polygraphs, multiple sources and an on-the-record exclusive interview with one of Rachel’s friends.

And now The ENQUIRER has caught Rachel in a slew of contradictions during the past 24 hours as she’s been questioned by other media about her relationship with Tiger. The ENQUIRER is reporting exclusively in its print edition that the 34-year-old brunette, who has a reputation for dating married celebrities, has been telling friends about a jet-set liaison with 33-year-old Tiger that began in June. So despite Rachel’s protestations, the ENQUIRER amassed plenty of evidence for its story and is now releasing part of it.

Rachel, an events planner and former director of VIP operations at the NYC nightclub Grffin, has attempted to distance herself from the growing scandal in several comments made to media in the last 24 hours, including to the Associated Press, New York Post and New York Daily News. But The ENQUIRER can show how Rachel’s denials are full of contradictions!

Rachel, who denies an affair with Tiger, told one media outlet that she hardly knows Ashley, who is quoted on-the-record in our story. Rachel said she wasn’t even sure of the woman’s last name.

However, we can reveal that Rachel is such a close friend of Ashley’s that she recently invited Ashley to join her and some other pals on a trip to Spain. AND in an ENQUIRER web exclusive, we’re publishing a photo showing Rachel partying with her friend Ashley on that recent trip to Spain.

Rachel has even been caught in outright lies in specific comment responses to The ENQUIRER. Rachel traveled to Australia to meet with Tiger while he played earlier this month in the Australian Masters, both sources said. BUT Rachel initially told us she traveled there with a boyfriend.

In a later conversation, however, she admitted to The ENQUIRER she had lied about going to Australia with a boyfriend. She said she was in the country “for business.” She also said she was not in Tiger’s hotel. But an Enquirer reporter eye witnessed her IN the hotel. She then said she did not go to the floor of the hotel where Tiger was staying.

BUT an ENQUIRER reporter in Melbourne watched as Rachel checked in to the posh Crown Towers hotel, and went up to the 35th floor, which houses the hotel’s ritzy VIP Suite. Tiger was staying in the same hotel, according to local press reports.

[From The Enquirer]

The Enquirer’s online slamming of Uchitel goes on and on, I edited it. Most of it is just a repetition of their original reporting, which is looking more and more dead-on, honestly. I also found this interesting piece done by Blackbook, written by someone very familiar with the NY club scene:

Rachel and I met for the first time when she was dating Tao/Marquee/Lavo partner Jason Strauss and was the director of V.I.P. Services out in Vegas. I remember her being very insistent that I get that title right, so I hope I did. Uchitel was beautiful, intelligent, articulate and driven. Did I say beautiful? She was the go-to gal for tables at hotspots like Pink Elephant, Dune, Marquee, Tao (Vegas) and most recently Griffin.

I asked some of her close friends about the allegations of her affair with the Tiger. Although her friends say “probably,” I could not confirm the affair. I got a lot of “I wouldn’t put it past her” and “she rolls in those kinds of circles.” I did get one reliable “she told friends she was friends with him.” One in-the-know type said, “She told me she was splitting to L.A. to avoid the papparazzi camped by her door. I love her to death, but she makes things tough on herself.” Then I did some checking on Mr. Woods just to see if the “homewrecker” label being tossed around had any validity. It seems Mrs. Woods might have a lot more to be teed off about.

The allegations of Rachel driving a wedge between the married couple seem silly. I am not a gossip columnist but I did ask around “certain circles.” These “circles” scoffed at the idea of Tiger’s innocence. I was told that over the last three to five years, many a jet was occupied by Mr. Woods and his entourage, with an ex-working girl tasked to provide beauties for the beasts. Come back tomorrow for more on the working girl in question—a lady based out of Chicago who is a regular “pal” of one of Tiger’s inner circle. “The jets would touch down in L.A. or Vegas or wherever the party was,” said my source. I asked if Mr. Woods was partaking in the girlie action? She responded with “duh.”

The superstar celebrity meeting the beautiful girl in the club story seems old hat. Why are we shocked when a Kobe or a Michael or a Mel Gibson or a senator is caught with his pants down? The Spitzer thing was kind of beyond the pale sick because he was prosecuting those kinds of crimes while partaking. But everyone in clubdom knew Ashley and her ilk and their resumes. Why is the world at large shocked? I mean, there aren’t too many average joes affording $1500-an-hour call girls. These gals are hitting lots of famous chit.

[From Blackbook]

The Blackbook person goes on to say that it takes two to tango and that Uchitel shouldn’t be painted as a home wrecker when Tiger has been quietly skeezy for years and years. I wouldn’t put it past Tiger to have a party plane full of working girls, but I find the Enquirer’s affair story more believable than the conspiracy of whispers now surrounding Tiger. Just my take.
