Jerry Hall: Plastic surgery is idiotic, youre killing a lot of braincells

Jerry Hall

All of the photos in this post show Jerry Hall, 58, within the past month. Her fashion is questionable, but she looks fantastic. Looking over our archives, I noticed how Jerry talks a lot about her miraculous ability to remain young looking. She raves about smoking, drinking, and sun worship. At the same time, she describes plastic surgery addicts as “monsters” and “lunatics.” I appreciate how Jerry is speaking out against cosmetic enhancement, but something lacks in her delivery.

Remember how I gushed over how Frances McDormand’s tour against plastic plastic surgery? She called it “erasing the roadmap of life.” This was a relatable take, as Frances said she embraced her own wrinkles. Frances was often surprised to see her face in the mirror, but she recognized the value of her laugh lines. Frances admitted how she isn’t perfect, and she’s very cool with it. Whereas Jerry is humblebragging about how she’s naturally gorgeous and immune to aging. These approaches differ. Here’s Jerry’s latest bit of wisdom from Hello! magazine:

Jerry’s perfection: “My face and body have been a tool for my career and I’m very conscious of that aspect, and try and keep it the best I can.”

Her opinion on plastic surgery: “It’s so idiotic when they risk their lives to have surgery. Every time you have anesthesia, you’re killing a lot of brain cells — why would you do that? You could get infections, you could die. Why make yourself look a grotesque caricature of yourself? They don’t fool anyone. They look like pathetic, insecure creatures. I loathe the whole thing.”

She especially criticizes civilians: “I don’t mean to be critical, and I understand that actresses feel the pressure in Hollywood, they have to do it. I respect that and I feel sorry for them that they have to do it. But for normal women to do it? If men want to leave their wife for a 19-year-old, they’re gonna do it anyway. All the facelifts and botox in the world isn’t going to change that guy, you know?”

She’ll spend Christmas with Mick Jagger: “I genuinely like him — he’s funny, he’s clever, he tries his best and he is also a great father. I think I chose really well – my children are smart, beautiful and talented, so I feel no regrets. But he’s not the sort of person I want to spend my old age with. Life changes, and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. Why shouldn’t life change? Move on.”

[From Hello!]

Like I said, Jerry’s take feels different than Frances McDormand’s dignified opinion. Frances feels like women should embrace their histories and not try to erase them. Jerry acts like everyone should be vampire-esque and never age at all, naturally. By the way, Jerry says the only things she does for weight maintenance are yoga and light swimming. Oh, and she avoids bread. So … has Jerry simply lucked out in the aging department? She does have a point about trying to stay young for men. If a dude is going to cheat, he won’t be dissuaded when his wife or girlfriend gets Botox. Perhaps Jerry’s projecting onto Mick. They are spending Christmas together.

Jerry Hall

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN
