Monica Bellucci: Perfection doesnt exist & if it did, I would find it very boring

Oooh, the second Monica Bellucci post of the month! Pretty soon she’ll be a regularly featured celebrity! Probably not, though. We keep getting new photos and new interviews of her because she’s been doing the film festival rounds for her new film, Rhino Season. Earlier this month, I covered some quotes from Monica in which she was discussing having children in her late 30s/early 40s, and how “Being a woman isn’t about having children.” Those quotes made me really like her even more. And now there are some new quotes from Monica, and she’s talking about body image and such:

Italian actress Monica Bellucci has had enough of the ‘thin is in’ culture and wants more appreciation of the differences in the female form.

“Perfection doesn’t exist and if it did, I would find it very boring. For sure, a skinny body is attractive. But who ever said that a bigger body couldn’t be beautiful in the same way? With big breasts and big arms?” she told Italian magazine Myself.

Bellucci, 47, told the magazine there is more to beauty than designer clothes or investing in expensive beauty products.

“The most important thing is to be confident with yourself. If you feel good, everything seems fine. If you feel awkward, you are going to convey your insecurity. I know a lot of beautiful women that are not aware of their beauty,” she said.

[From The Belfast Telegraph]

Spoken like a beautiful woman with a crazy body who is married to one of the sexiest men in the world. Still, I like that she says it. I like that she’s not trying to sell me a weight loss system or a diet or something. She’s merely negating the premise of Hollywood and society at large – that you have to be thin and look a certain way to be considered “beautiful”. Sigh…

Here are some photos of Monica outside of her hotel in San Sebastian, Spain yesterday. She’s in town for the San Sebastian Film Festival! She looks gorgeous, but I’m not in love with her blazer.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
