Russell Crowe forcibly removed a ranting Azealia Banks from his hotel suite


Just FYI: I really dislike covering Azealia Banks. For the past few years, she has seemed extremely mentally unbalanced, at times even violently so. She’s racist, homophobic and temperamental. And it seems like every few months, she’s involved in another f—king hideous situation where she’s clearly in the wrong, although she’ll never admit it. So I’m covering this mostly because it involves another celebrity, Russell Crowe, and I hope that this is not going to be some week-long story because I really cannot stand writing about Banks.

Russell Crowe bounced rapper Azealia Banks out of his hotel suite when she turned into the “plus one” from hell and threatened to cut his guests and watch them bleed … according to multiple witnesses. The bizarre incident went down Saturday night at Russell’s room at a Bev Hills hotel, where he’d invited about 10 people over to have dinner and listen to music. One of his guests was RZA, who brought Azealia along.

According to eyewitness accounts the trouble started when Azealia laughed out loud at Russell’s music selection, and then called him and at least one other guest, “boring white men.” We’re told a female guest jumped to Russell’s defense and suggested Banks pipe down. Instead, we’re told she made an insane speech/threat to Crowe and the woman …”You would love it if I broke my glass, stabbed you guys in the throat, and blood would squirt everywhere like some real Tarantino s***.” Then for good measure, witnesses say she dropped a few n-bombs … yet Crowe remained surprisingly calm.

We’re told Azealia reached for her glass, cocked it back … and that’s when Russell had enough — he grabbed her in a bear hug and carried her out of the suite. He then called hotel security guards who removed Azealia from the grounds. Azealia posted a different version of events, claiming Crowe called her the n-word, choked her, threw her out and spit on her.

We’re told at least 4 of the guests/witnesses gave statements during the investigation, and all 4 used the word “erratic” to describe Azealia’s behavior. For the record, we’re told … even RZA says she used the n-word, not Russell.

[From TMZ]

Sure, I believe that Russell Crowe physically removed Banks from the hotel suite. I believe he did so after she had some kind of crazy tantrum and after she threatened violence. I don’t get how Azealia Banks still gets to interact with people, you know? Twitter suspended her account after her spectacularly racist rant against Zayn Malik, and she’s become persona non grata in a lot of music circles for her violent tantrums at clubs and shows. Why did RZA think that she would behave differently this time? And Crowe was smart to not lose his temper, because he’s got one too. It sounds like he behaved appropriately.


Photos courtesy of WENN.
