Sarah Jessica Parker: I find personal criticism so distasteful


These are some new photos of Sarah Jessica Parker, out and about in NYC yesterday. I hate to admit it, but I really think her outfit is cute. I couldn’t pull this off, but it looks good on a petite little woman like SJP. The jeans, the heels, and especially the hot pink cropped jacket… it all works on her. Usually, SJP’s casual, out-in-NY outfits aren’t this cute, but I think she might be pouring herself into fashion after the commercial and critical failure of I Don’t Know How She Does It. She promoted that film for weeks internationally, she became the face of the ensemble film, and so she’s getting the bulk of the blame for its failure. Part of me feels bad for her, genuinely, because I think she tries and it would be nice to see her succeed. Another part of me thinks that if she’s going to be hellbent on convincing everyone that she’s a movie star who can carry her own film vehicles, she needs to work on finding better scripts.

SJP was recently talking about failure to Stylist, saying that she finds personal criticism “distasteful” and “vulgar”: “I’m criticized all the time. I’m not even circumspect about it. The idea of it all is very painful because I think, ‘How can they make assumptions about me that are so untrue?’. Proper film or theatre criticism is part of what I do; I don’t read them but I don’t begrudge a critic an opinion. But personal criticism I find distasteful. We think it’s funny to be mean and women say awful things about other women and use terrible language and call each other awful names. It’s so uncivilized and vulgar; it’s not good for our souls.”

Part of me agrees with her about the difference between personal criticism and legit film critiques. But the problem is bigger than people just being mean to SJP – her biggest problem at this point is that people no longer give a crap about her, or they are actively annoyed/filled with hatred when they see her on-screen or read one of her interviews. I’ve said it before: I would like SJP a lot more if she stopped talking. I would also like SJP a lot more if she stopped trying to be a big movie star. Her best career move was doing television – she’s a stellar television actress, especially when she has a great ensemble around her.




Photos courtesy of Fame.
