Kate Bosworth has permanent smug-face when shes with Alex Skarsgard


In every photo of Kate Bosworth, whenever she’s with or around Alexander Skarsgard, she has this look on her face. This smug look, this nasty little full-of-herself face. She’s giving the paparazzi a look too, in some of these photos. Like, “Are you getting this? This is my boyfriend!” I have to admit, even Jessica Biel does a better job pretending that she didn’t call the paparazzi on herself. With Kate, it’s written all over her face how much she wanted to be photographed. Which makes Fame Pictures’ little blurb about the photos even funnier:

Infamously camera shy couple, Kate Bostworth and Alexander Skarsgard made a rare public outing together on Sunday, July 11, 2010 in Los Angeles, CA. The duo made a stop by the grocery store Bristol Farms, where they picked up a few essentials before being on their way. It was obvious that Kate was ecstatic at the idea of being seen with her beau, as she couldn’t seem to hide her smile. Alexander, on the other hand, looked significantly less amused.

[From Fame Pictures]

“Infamously camera shy couple”? Really? Ha. Most of the time, Skarsgard doesn’t really seem to care if the photographers are around, and he usually looks like he’s ignoring them. Kate, however, is all smug-face, all the time. As I’ve said before, I’d probably be pretty smug too if I got to nibble of Alexander’s cookies. But it just seems more and more like he totally didn’t know what he was getting involved with when he got with Kate. It makes me feel for him.

Of course, I am totally open to the idea that she’s his beard. After watching that video of him writhing around with that dude, I’m totally open to it. I’d rather him be gay that be into The Bos.



Alex and Kate on July 11, 2010. Credit: Fame.
