Robert Pattinson: All I do with my week is wait til Sunday so I can watch GoT


Here are some photos of Robert Pattinson out and about in NYC yesterday. He was in New York to promote The Rover with Guy Pearce. Sparkles is getting great reviews for his supporting performance in The Rover, and when he sat down with MTV’s Josh Horowitz, they talked about how this is pretty much the first time Rob has ever been a critics’ darling. To his credit, Rob never tries to play the “I never read reviews” game that so many actors play. He fully admits that he reads the reviews, good and bad:

“The good ones only stay with you for about three seconds, and then the bad ones — you know all their names for the rest of your life… I know there are some reviewers who just don’t like me. It’s nothing to do with the movie; they just figure out anything. They’re not even watching the movie.”

[Via MTV]

Rob also told MTV News that he’s obsessed with Game of Thrones (he probably knows some of those actors): “My entire week, all I do, genuinely all I do with my week is wait ’til Sunday so I can watch Game Of Thrones. And if I don’t enjoy the episode, it will ruin my next week.” TELL ME MORE. No, seriously. I want to talk about GoT with Robert. I want to know who he loves and who he hates and if he cried when the Mother of Dragons and the Breaker of Chains had to chain up her dragons.

I’m including one of the MTV videos below, and Rob and Guy did a joint GMA interview yesterday too – you can see it here.


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
